Add Users to User Groups Based on Stripe Attributes
Setting up user groups based on users’ payment details.

If you have connected your Stripe account (in Settings => Integrations => Stripe Checkout) and plan to or are already selling products and subscriptions (e.g. via the checkout form), you can define user group conditions based on those products/subscriptions. This way, only the users that have purchase a specific product(s)/subscription(s) will be able to access the given block.
Select Attribute
So, the first two attribute options in Condition Settings are payment-related and are for selecting One-time Products or Subscriptions created in your Stripe account. For instance, you can use this to provide access to a given block only to the users who have purchased a specific subscription.
Select Condition
There are three conditions available:
- is one of –the Attribute is any of the Value(s) (multiple values can be added)
- is none of – the Attribute is any other value apart from the selected Value(s) (multiple values can be added)
- has all of – the Attribute has all the Value(s) (multiple values can be added)

Select Value
Finally, you need to add the values for which the defined condition should work. For One-time Product and Subscription attributes you should see a list of values based on what you have created on Stripe. You can select as many values as needed.

In the example provided below, a condition is defined so that all the users that have purchased the "Advanced JavaScript Course" product, have access to the block, which could be a List block with JavaScript video tutorials.

Last updated on October 26, 2023