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Connect to your Xano instance to interact with your data in your Softr apps.

Data Connector is a Xano add-on that you will need in order to connect Xano to your Softr apps. Learn More

Connecting Xano to Softr

1. Login to Xano and click the gear icon next to the server instance you want to connect to Softr.

Note that all workspaces inside an instance will be available inside your Softr apps.

Click on the gear icon next to the server instance you want to connect to.
Click on the gear icon next to the server instance you want to connect to.

2. In the menu on the right, select the Database Connector option.

Select the Database Connector option
Select the Database Connector option

3. Click the buttons to get your instance’s public IP and access credentials.

In order for Softr to be able to access your instance, you’ll need to create a publicly accessible IP address and get some credentials so that only those with the credentials can access it.

Click the GET buttons to generate a public IP and server credentials.
Click the GET buttons to generate a public IP and server credentials.

4. Copy your credentials to a secure location.

By default your credentials are hidden for security purposes, but you can show or hide them at anytime using the checkbox. Unhide and copy these credentials and save them in a secure place or write them down.

Click on Show credentials to reveal them
Click on Show credentials to reveal them

5. Click on the settings tab, add Softr’s IP addresses, then click Save.

Click on the Settings tab. Click on the + Add button and paste in Softr’s three IP addresses. You can also add any other IPs that need to access your instance here. When finished, make sure to click Save at the bottom of the Setting pane. Softr’s three IP addresses are:

Click on the settings tab, add Softr’s IP addresses, then click Save.
Click on the settings tab, add Softr’s IP addresses, then click Save.

6. Login to Softr and select Data sources on the left-hand menu

Select Data sources
Select Data sources

7. Click on Connect Data Source in the upper-right corner

Click on Connect Datasource
Click on Connect Datasource

8. Click on Xano

Click on Xano
Click on Xano

9. Copy the parts of your credentials into the appropriate blanks.

Note that you have Full Access credentials as well as Read-Only credentials so make sure to use the correct ones for your use case. We always recommend using the Full Access credentials so you don’t have to re-authenticate later if you expand your Softr apps’ capabilities. In Xano you have several fields as a part of your credentials:

  1. User
  1. Pass
  1. Host
  1. Database

These can be put into the corresponding blanks in the Softr setup. The Name field can be anything you like and the Port should always be 5432 for Xano. The rest of the fields can be filled in with the corresponding name, like so:

Fill in the fields with the parts of your server credentials.
Fill in the fields with the parts of your server credentials.
If you copy your credentials and they paste in as xxxxxxxxxxx then you need to unhide them before copying, as explained in Step 3.

10. Click Connect in the lower-right corner of the setup modal

Your end result should look similar to this. Click Connect to complete the data connection setup.

Click Connect once you’ve pasted in your credentials.
Click Connect once you’ve pasted in your credentials.

Re-authenticating, removing, and renaming your Xano data source.

As with all data sources in Softr, you can always rename, remove, or edit your data source’s connection by clicking the ellipses (three dots) on the data source itself:

Click on the three dots to rename, remove, or edit your Xano data source
Click on the three dots to rename, remove, or edit your Xano data source

Current limitations

  • No auto-sync options: We currently do not support auto-syncing dropdown or quick select options.
  • No field compatibility mapping: We don’t currently specify which fields can and can’t be mapped, but you can still map fields as per normal.
  • No auto-mapping: Fields will not be auto-mapped when connecting a block to BigQuery.
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Last updated on August 30, 2024