A block for showcasing partner brands and providing links to their websites.

Using the Partner block you can present your partners, key customers, and so on. The block consists of a Title, Subtitle, and a list of partner logos. Let's see how each of those is configured.
Title and Subtitle

Here you enter the Title and Subtitle texts.
In this section you add the partners along with their Image and Link.
Each partner item is added within a separate tab. You can add new tabs, delete, and reorganize them. Additional rows will be added depending on the number of partner items. Check out the gif below to get a better idea.

Partner Block Layouts
Layout: Partner with fixed logos

In this layout, the grid with partner logos is static, and new rows are added as the number of logos increases.
Layout: Partner with sliding logos

In this layout, all the logos are presented through a sliding animation in a single row, as shown above.
Last updated on January 4, 2023