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Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics to track user behavior.

In this guide, we'll go through the process of integrating Google Analytics with your Softr app. You can integrate both Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4, and below you can find separate guides for each of the versions.

Universal Analytics

After setting up a Google Analytics property for your site, you need to navigate to Admin, choose the required property, and click Tracking Info, as shown below.

Locating tracking info
Locating tracking info

From the opened dropdown, click on Tracking Code and copy the Tracking ID (starting with "UA-") as shown below.

Notion image

That's it, now you just need to paste the ID in Settings => Integrations => Google Analytics in the left-hand toolbar of your Softr Studio and hit Save.

Adding tracking code in Softr
Adding tracking code in Softr

Google Analytics 4

After setting up a Google Analytics 4 property, you need to go to Admin, select the required property and navigate to Data Streams.

Accessing data streams
Accessing data streams

Next, select the data stream.

Selecting the data stream
Selecting the data stream

In the screen that comes next, locate the Measurement ID and copy it.

Getting the Measurement ID
Getting the Measurement ID

Finally, you just need to go back to your Softr app and add the ID into Settings⇒Integrations ⇒ Google Analytics as shown in the following screenshot.

Applying the Measurement ID
Applying the Measurement ID
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Last updated on December 6, 2022