Type: Stacked Bar Chart
Chart type overview.
The Stacked Bar chart layout allows you to compare data in a part-to-whole manner, over time or across categories.
The setup is similar to that of a Bar Chart with a unique feature: it allows the presentation of subcategories within a single bar (stacked), as opposed to showing each subcategory with a separate bar.
Let’s say you are a sales manager and you want to analyze bookings by month, split by deal owners. You want to both understand what is the total sum of won deals, as well as how each sales person (deal owner) contributed.
Here is the output chart we aim at preparing:

Setting up the chart
Take a look at the Airtable base example. It has different deals at different sales stages, close dates and deal owners.

Having a base, let’s add a Stacked Bar Chart block, and configure it.
Conditional filters – let’s take into account only the deals with a Deal stage: Won

Aggregate function – we want to SUM all the deal values

Then we want to group these won deal values by the deal close date, with a month time interval →

Finally, we want to further group the data by deal owners →

The Stacked Bar Chart block is ready:

Show and hide data point labels
Sometimes labels on stacked bars can look a bit too crowded, so among options shared with other chart types, the Stacked Bar Chart has an additional option to decide whether to show data point labels on stacked bars.

Last updated on January 29, 2024