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User Profile

Let user view and edit their profiles.

User profile block
User profile block

The User Profile block allows your users to edit their info and password.

The link to the page with the User Profile block can be added under Profile Links when Show User Profile is enabled on the Header.
Adding a link to User Profile under Profile Links
Adding a link to User Profile under Profile Links

Now, let's check out what configuration options are available for the block.

Background image

Block’s background image option
Block’s background image option

Here, you can set a background image for the block.

My Profile

Default Fields

My Profile Default fields
My Profile Default fields

Here, you can configure the section Title as well as the placeholders of the Name and Email fields. Please, note that the Update Profile button's Action is predefined and cannot be changed.

Moreover, you have the Avatar image field (we’ll discuss it shortly), which can be deleted in case you don't need it.

Additional Fields

If you've connected users to a data source with additional user parameters, you can add more fields to the User Profile block and link them to these parameter fields in your data source, so that your users are able to edit those as well. If there's no data source connected yet, you'll see a Create Data Source button, which you can use to connect one. Let's examine this on a specific example.

Let's say our users are company employees that have a Position within the company. To account for that, we have an additional Position field in our users Airtable along with its different options.

Additional Position field on Airtable
Additional Position field on Airtable

So, on the User Profile block, we can create a new field and link it to the Position field on Airtable.

Mapping the position field
Mapping the position field

Now, users will be able to edit their position from the user profile as shown below.

User changing his/her Position
User changing his/her Position

Change Password

Here, you can configure the placeholder texts of the Change Password fields and modify the section title.

“Change Password” section
“Change Password” section

Enabling user avatar

Let's see how you can allow your users to upload avatar images to be shown on site header.

Enabling user profile on header

First of all, you need to enable the "Show user profile" toggle on your Softr app header.

Show user profile
Show user profile
Make sure to update your header block, as the avatar functionality won't work on header blocks created before its introduction.

Mapping the avatar field to a data source

Now, you need to map the avatar field to a data source, so that images uploaded by users are stored there. You may or may not have your users base connected to a data source already. Let's consider the two cases separately as the workflow is a bit different for each.

Data source is not connected

If you haven't connected your users to a data source, you can do so from the User Profile block or Users Tab, mapping the Avatar field. As soon as you do that, the Avatar field will automatically appear on your User Profile block as shown below. Below, you can see how we connect Airtable and map the avatar field.

Connecting Airtable and mapping the Avatar field
Connecting Airtable and mapping the Avatar field

Data source is connected

If you already have a data source connected, you can add a "File" type field in your User Profile block settings and map it to the corresponding field in the data source manually.

You need to edit your data source connection

Notion image

Then map the same field there as well (Select Avatar field option as shown in the screen recording above).

Note that mapping the field from BOTH the User Profile block and data source connection settings is necessary for enabling the avatar.

Avatar upload by the user

That's it, now the logged-in users will see an option to upload an avatar on their User Profile and can update it at any time. See below how it works.

User uploading an avatar
User uploading an avatar
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Last updated on January 18, 2024