OpenId Single Sign-on
Setting up authentication with OpenId.

Using this block, you can enable your users to sign in with their OpenId credentials. To be able to use the block, you first need to integrate the OpenId platform that you use for user management and authentication. We’ll find out how to do that next.
Configuring OpenId settings
OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an open authentication protocol that extends the OAuth 2.0 protocol, adding an identity layer to it. There are a number of services that use the OpenId technology. Softr can be integrated with any platform using the OpenID standard. One such platform is Outseta membership software. Let’s use Outseta as an example for how to setup OpenID in your Softr app.
If you use Outseta as your user management and authentication solution, you can integrate it with Softr, allowing your users to log into your Softr app with their Outseta credentials. The integration steps are pretty simple and straightforward, so let's start.
Getting the Callback URL
First, let's copy the Callback URL from our OpenId Settings. We are going to use it in our Outseta account, so let's switch there for a moment.
Adding an OAuth Client in Outseta
First, we need to add an OAuth Client in our Outseta account. To do that, we need to navigate to Settings => Integrations => OAuth and hit Add OAuth Client.

In the pop-up that follows, we are going to add a Name for the client, paste the Callback ID we had copied earlier from our Softr app։ The Logout Redirect URL can be left blank.

After completing those, click Add, and the pop-up will expand, showing your Integration Details.

Here, you need the Client Id and Client Secret values.
Adding Client Id and Secret on Softr
Now we are going to add the Client Id and Client Secret values, which we obtained in the previous step, in our Softr app's OpenId Settings.

After completing this, Save your settings, and you're done. Now, you can use the OpenId SSO Softr block to allow your users log in with their Outseta credentials.
Testing the Integration
Let's pick a user from our Outseta contacts and try logging with this user's credentials on Softr. You can learn about user authentication, how users can sign up and create passwords, and more here.
Below, you can see a contact that has passed authentication and has a password.

Now, we can use this contact’s email and password to log into our Softr app through the OpenId login block. First, let’s set up the OpenId block.

We can modify the layout of the block as well as change the page after signin, but we are going to leave it as it is. Now, let’s publish our app and try logging in with the Outseta user we mentioned earlier.

As you can see, we’re able to log in and out successfully.
Last updated on August 24, 2023