App History

Track your work and go back to an earlier version of your app.

The App History section, which is located in your Softr App settings, provides you with a timeline of the changes that have been made to your app throughout its existence. It allows you to save your current "state" whenever needed to be able to go back and resume from that state at any time in the future. Just like in a shooter game. So, whenever you feel that your app has taken a wrong turn or, say, you've deleted some info by mistake, you can just click on one of the previous app versions and start over.

The versions are available through snapshots that are taken either automatically or manually. Let's take a closer look to better understand how this works.

Please, note that the following changes will not be reflected in app history and you won't be able to undo them: Page name or path change; App name change; Domain or subdomain setup; Adding, editing, or deleting users.
Autosaved and manual snapshots in the App History
Autosaved and manual snapshots in the App History

Saving a snapshot

A snapshot is saved automatically as soon as you complete 10 actions inside your Softr app (e.g. add a new block, edit text in a block, save page settings). So, after every 10 actions, you'll have an autosaved snapshot stored in your app history. However, you can also manually create a snapshot at any point (see below).

Manually creating a snapshot
Manually creating a snapshot

As you can see, when taking a snapshot manually, you can also assign a custom name to it and edit it later on.

Restoring from a snapshot

Now let's see how you can restore a version of your Softr app from your snapshots. The process is pretty straightforward, and you just need to go to your App History, select one of the snapshots, and hit Restore.

Note that a new snapshot of your current app version will be created automatically right after you hit Restore to go to a different version.

Below, you can see how we restore a previous version of our app, and the Gallery block, which had been added later on, is no longer there.

Restoring from a snapshot
Restoring from a snapshot
On Softr's free subscription plan, you'll have access to and can restore from the latest 5 snapshots only. However, on all the other (paid) plans, you can restore from any snapshot stored since the creation of your Softr app. Upgrading from a free plan will give you full access as well.

That's all you need to know to be able to navigate through your App History and transition between different versions. Enjoy!

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Last updated on December 6, 2022